Monday, September 2, 2013

Blogging Challenge - Week One

Hello Dear 6th Graders:

First, a few housekeeping issues.

If I don't have your Foreign Language choice from your parents yet, I will need to talk to you...

And if you didn't send me an Email last week, I need to check in with you and make sure you have an account set up, and it works for you.

Now... Today, we blog.

I have set up a 6th Grade Kidblog Account for our class, please link to it here:

I will write the default password I set for everyone on the board, and the first thing you will do is change it to the same password you use for Google.

Then, you may change the look of your blog.

And finally, your assignment for the day- and the first of many blogging challenges I will set for you throughout the year.

I would like you to tell me about 10 of your favorite things.

Using complete sentences. Wow me. Amaze me with your fabulous descriptive language.  Include photos if you'd like.  Please model it on  sample on our Kidblog account.

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