Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Wordle for Thanksgiving Mass

Hello Dear 6th Graders,

We would like you to create Wordles using the lyrics to ONE of two songs we will be singing at Thanksgiving Mass Next Week:

Copy and Paste the lyrics to one of the songs into Wordle, and have fun making it beautiful!:

Creature Praise

Large creatures, small creatures
Short and tall creatures
Come now and praise the Lord
Young creatures, old creatures
Hot and cold creatures
Come now and praise the Lord

Sing praise to the Father
Sing praise to the Son
Sing praise to the Spirit who makes all creatures one
Sing praise to the goodness of what the Lord has done
Let all creatures praise the Lord

Long creatures, high creatures
Flying in the sky creatures
Come now and praise the Lord
White creatures, brown creatures
All around the world creatures
Come now and praise the Lord

Sing praise to the Father
Sing praise to the Son
Sing praise to the Spirit who makes all creatures one
Sing praise to the goodness of what the Lord has done
Let all creatures praise the Lord

Day creatures, night creatures
Left and right creatures
Come now and praise the Lord
Near creatures, far creatures
Anywhere you are creatures
Come now and praise the Lord

Sing praise to the Father
Sing praise to the Son
Sing praise to the Spirit who makes all creatures one
Sing praise to the goodness of what the Lord has done
Let all creatures praise
Let all creatures praise
Let all creatures praise the Lord


Deep Within

Deep within, I will plant my law, not on stone, but in your heart.
Follow me; I will bring you back. You will be my own, and I will be your God.

Deep Within

I will give you a new heart, a new spirit within you, for I will be your strength.

Deep Within

See my face, and see your God, for I will be your hope.

Deep Within

Return to me, with all your heart, and I will bring you back.

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