Sunday, October 16, 2011

Today, We try Glogster!

Today, I will be introducing the Web 2.0 tool called Glogster.

Glogster gives you the ability to create online poster boards using incredibly fun graphics.

Your 6th grade Language Arts teachers would like you to learn about Glogster so that you can create your Greek God/Goddess project with it... so we'll have some fun playing with the program by creating a Glog about the country of Greece.  I would usually insist you do your own research, but this project is simply about exploring the new program, so I'll be giving you a fact sheet and a file of photos to pull from.

Login using the link:

I will explain this in greater detail, but I would like you to include:

A Headline
A Map of Greece
At least four photos with captions
At least four facts about Greece
And a block of texts that makes clear that all the facts are pulled from the National Geographic website, and all the photos are pulled from the Lonely Planet Website.

Not to worry, this project will take at least two weeks!
Happy Glogging!

Mrs. Morell

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