Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Ideas for Keyboarding Practice

Now that we have finished Scantron testing, it is time to start typing!

We use Type to Learn during technology class. I spend a lot of time saying: "Just Keep Typing" to the tune of "Just Keep Swimming" from Finding Nemo :) The goal is that our students should be typing at least 30 words per minute by the end of 6th grade. We do alot of keyboarding at HTS in the Upper School!

I know many of my students are eager to meet the 30 words per minute goal, so I offer a menu of web-based games for fun to practice at home - or work on during class-time.  Be sure to always sit up straight, keep your feet on the ground, and keep your fingers on the home keys when you practice keyboarding! I promise - you'll be a faster typist if you follow those tips.

These games are great for our younger students. Be sure to try Alpha Munchies, Cup Stacking and Keyboard Challenge:

This is a very methodical approach to typing - carefully structured lessons are offered in a colorful, fun format. I like it because the lessons constantly prompt the kids to keep their hands on the home keys. I have to report that various critters with the Scottish accent who direct the efforts seems to get quite a few giggles in class.

This site offers a comprehensive menu of games.
Try them out, and let me know which ones you like best!

I have to admit, I find the advertising a bit distracting on this site, but the games are very fun... especially "Desert Typing Racer."

This is always a favorite among our students - but beware... it gets hard very quickly!!

Happy Typing!
Mrs. Morell

A Timed Typing Test Today... and then...

Hello Dear 6th Graders!

Today, we will take a quick timed typing test to see where you are as we begin 6th grade.

The goal by the end of 6th grade is to type 30 words per minute.

If you are able to type more than 30 words per minute today, you will continue with an independent study project about Greece for the rest of the quarter.  If not, we'll be spending the next several weeks working on Type to Learn to improve our skills.

I will post the independent project onto a page on the blog - which you can find just above this post.

Happy Typing!

Mrs. Morell

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

If You Finish Scantron Testing Today...

I would like you to open the New York Times Learning Blog,  choose one of the articles from 6 Qs About the News, and answer the series of questions.   Would you like to learn about: What to do with a Lion in the Suburbs? Or The Teachers Strike in Chicago? Or Driving a Rover on Mars?  It's up to you...

I would like you to copy and paste the questions into an Email to me, like this:

Answer the questions completely... Each article you complete is worth 10 points.

Have fun!

Mrs. Morell

Monday, September 3, 2012

Scantron Testing this Week

Today, we will begin two to three weeks of standardized testing in the subjects of reading and math.  This test helps your teachers understand what you have learned so far and how they can best help you learn more.

The Scantron test will be administered during technology classes.

A few things you should know about this test:

  • The test will be slightly different for each of you.  If you correctly answer a problem, it gives you a more difficult problems, and if you incorrectly answer a problem, it gives you easier problems.  The length of the test may be very different for each of you as well.
  • You must answer every problem. 
  • It is very important to do your best and answer all items carefully, because the test will stop if you are guessing.  You will have to start over from the beginning if this happens. 
  • Parts of this test will be very difficult, and likely cover topics you have never seen before.  Please don't worry!  Make your best guess, then move on.
  • When you finish, raise your hand and I will come over to help you.  
Any questions?  

Your Scantron ID number is on your password sheet.  You may begin now