The website looks like this…. First, choose the type of resource you need to cite. In this case, I'd like to cite a website.
As an example, the website I chose was the US Department of Agriculture's Agricultural Research Service's Ideas for Science Fair projects.
I copied and pasted the URL (entire web address) in the space provided. At this point, Easybib will let you know if your website is a credible source (and YES, having a credible resource is an important thing):
Next, Easybib will take you to a screen, where you will need to fill in more specific information about your website - but fear not, it gives you hints:
Be sure to include the article title:
And if someone is identified as an author, be sure to include this:
And the complete name of the website:
And leave out the URL box:
At the bottom of the page, click on "Create Citation"
Now you will have a perfect MLA citation:
So, save it to Google Docs/Drive: (you must allow access):
And this is how your citation will appear in your Google Drive menu:
And how it will appear in your document:
Be sure to rename the document so you can find it later:
Today, we will practice citing the resources you have saved in Google Docs using EasyBib.
Mrs. Morell