Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Internet Hunt: Election Edition

Over the next several weeks, we will talk about credible web-based resources for Internet research.  As I started to plan today's introduction to the unit, I came across a number of great resources, so I turned them into a Scavenger Hunt for information about the Election.
Please be sure to fill out the worksheet I give you with complete answers! Have fun!

Watch the mini-bio of Mitt Romney, and tell me three facts you didn’t know before you watched this:
Biography.com link to Romney Mini-bio

Watch the mini-bio of Barack Obama, and tell me three facts you didn’t know before your watched this:
Biography.com link to Obama

Why do Americans vote on Tuesdays?
Ted Ed video

How many electoral college votes are needed to win the US Presidential election?
Common Craft video

According to Real Clear Politics, how many electoral college delegates does Virginia have? Maryland? The District Colombia?
Real Clear Politics

If you were able to drive to President Obama’s hometown of Chicago, use the "Maps" section of Google and find out how far away it is FROM OUR SCHOOL.
(The address of the school is: 1325 36th Street, NW, Washington DC)

What is the weather like today in Mitt Romney’s hometown of Belmont Massachusetts?

What are the names of the two Virginia Senators and the two Maryland Senators?

Which cookie would get your vote – Ann Romney’s or Michelle Obama’s ?
Cookie link

Monday, October 22, 2012

Workshop in the Lab today...

Hi all,

Today, if you need to finish your Prezi, please do so.

If you need to continue typing, (you know who you are) please use either BBC Dancemat Typing, or Type to Learn.  Remember, your login is your last name, first initial (GrangerH), our password is htstype, and our account code is 100092. In either situation though, you will need to keep your keyboard covers on, and keep your fingers on the home keys.

If you finish your Prezi, please make a choice from the following options:

Mrs. Morell

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Just Keep Typing...

Hi there,

Today, if you haven't quite reached the 30 words per minute mark,  you may either choose to use BBC Dancemat Typing:


or continue with Type to Learn.  In either situation though, you will need to keep your keyboard covers on, and keep your fingers on the home keys.

For those of you who have finished, please continue with your Independent Research Project.  If you haven't yet begun, you may either choose to do a project on Greece, or on Sea Turles.  Either way, I would like you to create a Prezi to display your work.

Mrs. Morell