Monday, December 12, 2011

Internet Safety Day!

Today, we will watch a pair of BrainPop movies to review key elements of Internet Safety - Online Safety and Information Privacy:

I would like you to then finish the Scavenger Hunt from last week, then if you have time, play a pair of games to explore issues of web safety, information literacy and digital citizenship. Both games have been created by PBS Kids.  

The first is a simple introduction to some of the major topics in Internet safety, such as downloading, passwords, meeting people online and being safe. By navigating this game, and answering questions correctly, students will earn an official web license:

PBS has also created a more comprehensive game titled Webonauts, to be found here:

Monday, December 5, 2011

Internet Search Scavenger Hunt

Today we will review how best to search the Internet to find answers to research questions.

First, we will watch a video from Common Craft titled: "Web Search Strategies in Plain English."  This short video gives a quick overview of how Search Engines work, then discusses the use of effective keywords and Boolean search strategies.

Next, we will watch another short video from BrainPop titled: "Internet Search."  This also gives a good overview of Internet Search strategies from the perspective of the ever popular Tim and Moby.

We'll discuss what we have seen on the videos, then review key strategies from the website Common Sense Media.  Armed with this knowledge, we'll tackle a Internet Search Scavenger Hunt.  Students will be required to use at least three different search engines, and list the keywords they used to find the answers to a series of trivia questions.

Parents - Please refer to the following page from Common Sense Media.  It's a great resource to have on hand next time your student is working on Internet research at home.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Internet Searching - A Common Sense Approach

Today, with the help of Common Sense Media, we will learn about the differences between search engines, directories, and meta-search engines.  We will sample and compare the different search sites available within each category. 

The handout I will give to you will ask that you explore:

Google (search engine)

Yahoo Directory (directory)

Dogpile (meta-search engine)

Ask (search engine)

Dmoz (directory)

Metacrawler (meta-search engine)

Quintura for Kids (search engine)

Yahoo Directory for Kids (directory)

Please share with your parents what you learned today.  This is the first lesson of several about Internet Searching and Researching.  Here is a fact sheet for your parents about Internet searching:

Monday, November 14, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

We're going to spend a little time thinking about the history of Thanksgiving today.  First, we'll watch the Brainpop Thanksgiving video, then spend a little time exploring the History Channel Thanksgiving Website.  Finally, we will create a Comic Life comic strip including a few fun Thanksgiving facts...

Link to History Channel Facts:

Thursday, November 3, 2011

6E will be on a Field Trip this week...

Which will give 6F a great opportunity to work on keyboarding!

This week, while I'm away, I would like you to spend your technology time working on Type to Learn.  Be sure to use your orange keyboard covers, and keep your fingers on the home keys!

And wonder: Where in the world is Mrs. Morell?

See you next week!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

This week brings a timed typing test...

It's time we checked to see how much progress we've made with Type to Learn, so we'll be doing a timed typing test.

For those students who are typing more than 30 words per minute, you may make a choice from the menu of New York Times Learning Page topics below:

Daily News Quiz
The 50 States Crossword Puzzle

6 Qs in the News
- choose a story that interests you, print out the questions, and hand in the answers to me.

 And if you finish your activity, enjoy:
Edgar Allen Poe's The Raven - Interactive

I did want to show off a few fine examples of the Greece glogs the 6th graders completed over the past few weeks:

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Today, We try Glogster!

Today, I will be introducing the Web 2.0 tool called Glogster.

Glogster gives you the ability to create online poster boards using incredibly fun graphics.

Your 6th grade Language Arts teachers would like you to learn about Glogster so that you can create your Greek God/Goddess project with it... so we'll have some fun playing with the program by creating a Glog about the country of Greece.  I would usually insist you do your own research, but this project is simply about exploring the new program, so I'll be giving you a fact sheet and a file of photos to pull from.

Login using the link:

I will explain this in greater detail, but I would like you to include:

A Headline
A Map of Greece
At least four photos with captions
At least four facts about Greece
And a block of texts that makes clear that all the facts are pulled from the National Geographic website, and all the photos are pulled from the Lonely Planet Website.

Not to worry, this project will take at least two weeks!
Happy Glogging!

Mrs. Morell

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Keyboarding this Week

6E had a day off this week.   My 6F group had a chance to practice logging into Cornerstone and Gmail... and I had a chance to trouble-shoot any issues with these new systems.  Be sure to continue to let me know if you can't log into either one.

We then will spend the bulk of the class practicing keyboarding skills with Type to Learn. 

As always, happy keyboarding!

Mrs. Morell

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Housekeeping Week

This week we will:

Introduce the students to our new Gmail accounts,

Teach them to log into Cornerstone, so they can see their grades,

Ask them to complete a survey on their current online use, to help us decide which topics would be most relevant for our kids on the Common Sense Media Digital Citizenship and Online Safety units:


teach them how to use Uberprints to design a Holy Trinity Spirit Shirt:

That should keep us busy for 45 minutes!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Just Keep Typing, Just Keep Typing...

(Think of the tune from "Finding Nemo" - Just Keep Swimming...)

On Monday, 6E finished up their MS Word Challenges, and on Wednesday, we continued using Type to Learn (with keyboard covers!)  I am being very picky about those keyboard covers - and working hard to coach kids to keep fingers on the home keys.

After the students have spent 30 to 35 minutes on typing, they are able to have a little free time to try some of the games on my blog.  This week, Cool Math for Kids (IQ Ball and Sugar, Sugar) and Free Rice have been popular choices.
Happy Typing,

Mrs. Morell

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

A Microsoft Word Challenge

This week, we will be exploring the many functions of Microsoft Word.   We will review the basic functions of MS Word - changing font colors and sizes, cutting and pasting, using bullets and number sequences.  Next, we will explore inserting clip art, shapes, WordArt and symbols.  For some of our new students this might be completely new.  We do use MS Word quite a bit in the Upper School, so it is important the students familiarize themselves with the program.

A Challenge has been placed in each student's network folder.  Part of the challenge is following the instructions!  The text of the challenge is as follows:

6th Grade Microsoft Challenge
Your Name:
Insert Date and Time Here:

Make this quote bold and change the font to Bradley Hand:
I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.
-          Winnie the Pooh

Change the font color to red, and center this quote:
"All the secrets of the world are contained in books. Read at your own risk."
-          Lemony Snicket

Put this in italics and change the font to Comic Sans:
It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends.
-          Albus Dumbledore

Underline this quote and make it 10 point:
"The reason birds can fly and we can't is simply because they have perfect faith, for to have faith is to have wings."
-          J.M. Barrie

Change the font color to blue, and change the font to Juice:
"A person's a person, no matter how small."
-          Dr. Seuss (Horton Hears a Who!)

Highlight this quote in green, and change the font to ITC:
"It is one of life's bitterest truths that bedtime so often arrives just when things are really getting interesting."
-          Lemony Snicket (The Grim Grotto)

Highlight this quote in yellow, and change the font to Berlin Sans FB:
"There's a name for people with an interest in the moon," Alex said. "They're called lunatics."
-          Anthony Horowitz (Crocodile Tears)

Change the font color to orange, and change the font to Garamond:
"The more men see of the world, the bigger their hearts"
-              Avi (Crispin: At the Edge of the World)

Highlight this quote in green, and change the font to Century Schoolbook:
"You can't keep the birds of sadness from flying over your head, but you can keep them from nesting in your hair."
-          Sharon Creech (Walk Two Moons)

Change the font color to red and make it 14 point:
“Knowing too much of your future is never a good thing.”
-          from The Lightning Thief  by Rick Riordan

Put the following characters in a list with bullet points.  Change the color to purple, and the font to Papyrus.

Gilderoy Lockhart
Minerva McGonagall
Poppy Pomfrey
Pomona Sprout
Sybill Trelawney

Put the following characters in a list with numbers.  Change to color to blue, and the font to Comic Sans.
Godric Gryffindor
Helga Hufflepuff
Rowena Ravenclaw
Salazar Slytherin

Spell check the next three quotes:
“You mustn’t dispair!” cried Mr. Wonka. “Nothing is empossible! You wotch!”
-          from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl

“Luc  had nuthing to do with this,” said the gose. “It was good manigement and hard woork.”
-          from Charlotte’s Web by E B White

“Menewhile,” said Mr. Tumnus, “it is winter in Narnia, and has been for evir so long, and we shall both cath cold if we stand here taling in the snuuw.”
-          from The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe by C S Lewis

Insert a clip art picture of an apple here:

Insert the shape of a square here:

Insert a call-out from the shapes menu here.  Insert the word Expelliarmus:

Insert a piece of work art here:

Insert an alphabet text box here: 

Insert five letters of the alphabet with accents on them:

Put a page number at the bottom of the page.

Delete All the Instructions.
Move your favorite quote to the top of the page
Save your work and ask Mrs. Morell to print it.

Monday, September 12, 2011

6E will finally have technology class!

This week, 6E will meet for the first time, so we'll review the rules and expectations for the year (see the Technology Agreement on the page to the right), and try to find time for a timed typing test. 

6F will continue to type this week using Type to Learn (and keyboard covers!)  We have a lot of work to do, but it will be fun.

Happy Third Week of School!

Mrs. Morell

Sunday, September 4, 2011

This Week, We Begin to Type!

Dear 6th Graders,

Today, we will begin our class by taking a timed typing test.  This will give me a sense of how quickly you have learned to type, and how much work we need to do this quarter!

We will be devoting much of the first quarter to keyboarding, and will be using keyboard covers in class, so that you are sure to learn proper finger placement.

By the end of 6th grade, the goal is that you should be typing at least 30 words a minute.

Each of you will have an account on Type to Learn.

Your account name will be:
LastnameFirstinitial (CookL)
The password is: htstype
The account code is: 10092

If you would like extra practice to reach that goal, you may take home a copy of Type to Learn to install on your home computer.  You must have your parents Email me on: to do so, as I would like their permission before you install new software on your home computer.

Happy Typing,

Mrs. Morell

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The First Week of School

During the first week of school, the 6th grade will be given an overview of what we will do in technology class this year.  The PowerPoint we used can be found on the page of class rules found on the right column of this blog.

For homework: I would like you to post the answers to two questions using Wallwisher.

First, please answer the question: What was your favorite book and why:

Next, what is your favorite website and why:

You may add the link to your favorite site to share with your classmates.

You will need to enter an Email address to post - if you do not have one, ask to use a parent's Email.  Next week, we will be assigning HTS Email accounts to you - sorry we don't have one ready for you quite yet!

I will need to approve your post before it appears, so don't worry if it doesn't appear right away!

If you have any problems or questions, you can Email me on:

Good Luck!

Mrs. Morell

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Welcome to 6th Grade Technology!

Welcome to 6th Grade Technology Class,

We're going to have a great year!

Mrs. Morell